DOB; 06/17/2022
Breeder: Meredith Mapes
Frygga (Mapes) x BooBoo (Maurskie)
Rachel is the little sister to my power house trio. She is sassy and spicy but sweet as can be with “her” people. If you're not in her circle she’s not a fan. She’s quite the spunky girl and reminds me very much of her dad Boo and has his little woo woos.
She often likes to show her excitement for running by tagging you in the arm which I find quite rude but she thinks it’s funny. When she wants to run fast and hard in harness she if very capable. She can run lead with her Mom Frygga well but we are still working on building her confidence at the front of the team. Rachel is a young small talented girl and we can’t wait to see what she’s capable of.